Saturday, June 30, 2018

Coffee Tables 101

Looking for the perfect table to compliment your living room? Our guide gives you the tips to choose the perfect table for your style and needs.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Laying Out Your Living Room Furniture Like a Pro

The living room is one of the most essential and frequently used spaces of the house, so it follows that making this venue the most enjoyable is well worth the time and effort. However, many don't know the basic principles of design to make the living room user-friendly. Read on to discover these interior design tricks that will make any space a pleasure in which to spend time.

Consider the Focal Point

Is the view outside the window a city skyline or a well-manicured front yard? The living room is an ideal setting from which to enjoy this scenery, so the furniture should be situated accordingly. Similarly, living rooms may be arranged as a venue for watching sports and movies with the family, in which case the layout should be conducive to these activities and pointed toward the television. Wherever the focal point of the room, designers recommend that seating should be arranged so one may view the focal point in the most comfortable way. For example, if guests will be enjoying looking outside, then the sofa should be positioned opposite the window to allow them ease of view without craning their necks. Use of the furniture must also be considered; if one plans to lie down on the couch to watch the tube, the television should be positioned perpendicular to the couch so one can look straight ahead.

Plan for Seating

Will the room be used to entertain guests frequently? Or is the living room primarily occupied by the family? Plan the seating around the number of expected visitors and who will most often be in the room. If the living room is small, sofas are an ideal option as they have the largest seating to size ratio, whereas chairs and loveseats take up more space in the room while offering relatively fewer spots for guests. When it's time to throw a party, the room will look like it was designed by a pro if ample seating is already incorporated into the room's design instead of having to awkwardly shuffle metal folding chairs out of the closet.

Look at the Traffic Pattern

No, this doesn't mean to think about the number of cars passing by. Rather, when planning where the furniture will be placed in the living room, consider where the doors are located and what rooms are adjacent to the living room. How will family members and guests be traversing the space? Be sure that one can easily maneuver from their seat to the bathroom or kitchen without tripping. Also, consider the size of the furniture before purchasing the piece. If shopping for a studio efficiency, perhaps a six-by-two-foot coffee table is not the most practical choice. In keeping with basic feng shui, guests should be able to walk seamlessly to the door as opposed to shuffling between a bookcase and floor lamp.

The principles of design are intuitive and serve to make living comfortable and enjoyable through useful and aesthetically pleasing furniture layout. Use these tips to get started, and house visitors will be amazed at what a pleasant experience they have in a well-designed space.

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

6 Bedroom Design Tips From the Property Brothers

Property Brothers Drew and Jonathan Scott share their tips for creating a master suite that feels like an inviting oasis.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

9 Ways to Add a Touch of Luxury to Mundane Household Products

Designer, Kimberley Seldon, has some inspiration for adding a touch of pretty and luxe to boring (and sometimes ugly) everyday necessities.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Budget Decorating Tips on Selecting a Sofa

Interior designer,Tiffany Brooks shares her simple tips to simplify choosing the right sofa for your home.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Convertible Sofa - From Sofa To King Size Bed - Lainey's Furniture

Elaine shows some great features to this cool convertible sofa that easily converts into a large bed or lounge seat. See more at

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Surya Outdoor Home Accessories

Designing for the outdoors is a breeze with Surya's selection of outdoor home accessories. Made not only to fit a range of style needs, our products are also durable, fade resistant and easy to clean.