Saturday, July 30, 2016

Feng Shui for Foyer / Entrance

Feng Shui in the foyer or entrance to your home is important to promote a positive and peaceful environment.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Planning Your Furniture for an Open Concept Layout

Before you design an open concept layout, you have to consider how all of your furniture will work in your space! Danielle Nicholas Bryk shows us how to make the best choices.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Lane Recliner Construction- Built to Last

What does it take to develop a recliner that stands the test of time? This video will describe what it takes to create a quality recliner. Quality recliners start at the ground up. At Lane we build every recliner with an excellently engineered foundation in mind.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

3 Things to Consider Before Purchasing New Furniture

Buying new furniture can be a demanding task. There are so many things to think about, like "Will I still like this in five years?" and "Is it going to be able to stand up to the kids running and jumping on it," or perhaps the most common, "Can I really afford this?" While these are all valid thoughts, there is an easier way. Before buying new pieces, like a chair for example, have a plan before you head into the store.

1. Where is your new furnishing going to go? Physically go into the room, and take a look around and make sure you can see the chair in that spot. Will it work with the space, and will it fit with the other furniture already there, like the couch and table? Having this mental picture of the setup of the room and knowing exactly where it will go can help you make the final decision when you find the right chair. You don't want to have to be thinking about if it will fit or where it's going to go when you're already at the store. So, know beforehand where it's going, and make sure it will fit and coordinate with the area and décor.

2. Set a realistic budget for yourself. You don't want to look like the guy in the credit card commercial who finally finds the TV that he wants to buy when he realizes he's not sure if he can afford it, so he tries to call his bank. This can be easily avoided by just setting a realistic limit for yourself. If you don't find what you're looking for under the budget, keep shopping around until you do. In today's market there are plenty of resources you can use, whether it be a wholesale supplier or discount furniture, you'll be able to find a quality product for a good price.

3. Can you find a way to make the furnishings multitask? Some pieces are an easy decision, like counter bar stools for example. They are terrific additions to any home, because they can serve many purposes. Whether they're for the kitchen island, where your kids can sit and do homework while you make dinner, or if they're for additional seating if you have company over. They are easy ways to update your kitchen as well. A funky style or a fresh color can really add some life to your home. If you're looking for an antique style that will collect more dust than anything, then maybe you should consider updating in a different way.

In today's economy it's more important than ever to use our money in smart ways and not overspend. So, if you are in the market for furniture, just try to take the extra step and think about where it's going to, how it's going to transform your home, and if it will add efficiency to your space. This way you're sure to get the most bang for your buck.

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Feng Shui for the Living Room

Feng Shui in the living room is important because a lot of energy moves through it. Here's how to improve Feng shui in the living room.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Laneology - The Science of Lane Furniture

At Lane, we believe furniture should fit the way our customers live and enjoy spending their time. We call our philosophy Laneology -- creating furniture with home entertainment in mind.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Ask the Expert: Arranging Your Furniture in a Small Condo

Shai DeLuca-Tamasi helps this audience member figure out how the best furniture placement for her space.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

When Is It Time To Buy New Furniture

When is it time to buy new furniture? Take a look around your house and ask yourself these questions:

1. Are your sofa or chair cushions showing signs of wear? If it's leather, maybe the seat cushions are discolored, lighter in the seat area than the rest of the sofa or chair. If it's fabric, see if the upholstery threads are pulling apart or discolored. If your furniture is showing signs of wearing, it's time to consider new furniture or at least slip covering options.

2. Are there holes in your furniture? You might be able to stitch or patch the holes if the rest of the piece is structurally sound. Otherwise, start thinking about new furniture.

3. When you rise from the seat, does the cushion remain sunken? Check the springs to see if that's the problem. If a broken or stretched spring is the culprit, the problem can probably be repaired, maybe even by yourself if you happen to be handy in that way. If the springs look okay, maybe you just need a new cushion. Take a cushion with you to an upholstery shop or fabric store to show the sales person what kind of cushion you need to replace the bad one. It's a good idea to take a good cushion with you so the sales person can help match the cushion to the firmness and density you want to replace the bad cushion with.

4. Is the frame of your furniture still in good shape? If a sofa or chair has been dropped, it might crack a wooden frame. Flip your furniture upside down and take a look.

5. Does your furniture sit level? If it's not level, check the frame. Check the legs to make sure a peg is not missing. If you can't spot the problem, it's time to buy new furniture.

6. When you sit on your furniture, do you feel the arms separate from the rest of the frame? Maybe you have a problem that can be solved with wood glue and a few clamps. Otherwise, for safety's sake, get rid of your old furniture.

7. When you sit down, do you feel wood or a frame sticking out? Consider that poke in the behind your official cue to buy new furniture!

8. If you know it's time to replace the old look of your furniture, decide if the update can be done with a simple slipcover. By measuring the furniture properly, a slip cover - either purchased ready made or custom made if your furniture has an unusual shape or curve to it - you can get a nice fit. Slip covers range in price starting at about $40. The better fabric you select, the higher the price. If you just want to update your furniture for a few more months until you save enough money to buy an all new ensemble, slip covers are the way to go.

9. Look at the finances. Will buying new furniture mean you'll have to finance the purchase? If so, can you handle the extra bill each month?

10. Do you just want to? There's nothing wrong with "wanting" new furniture. Look for solid pieces that will give your family many years of enjoyment and you'll always be happy with your decision to buy new furniture!

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

How to Choose the Right Sofa for Your Space

A sofa is one of the most important purchases you make for your living area, so how do you make sure you're buying the best one? Brian Gluckstein shares his tips.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

How to Find New Furniture Ideas For Your Household

Replacing or buying new furniture for your home will require you to ponder many things. Home furniture not only should be decided on in regards of comfort and price, but the style of the furniture goes a long way in setting the mood and ambiance of your home. Here are a few things to consider to help you choose the right home furniture.

If you are short of ideas or just have not a clue as to what you want in your home, search for some ideas by looking through a few home décor magazines. There are plenty of magazine publications out there that are made specifically for home design. Thumbing through a few of these may spark some thoughts about what you can do with your own home.

Another place to check to get ideas is the TV. Considering the amount of different channels cable TV and/or satellite TV offer these days, you will most likely have some sort of home living or home design channel. Check your guide to see what shows there are that you can watch to help you decide and give you some much needed insight.

Probably the best and most convenient place you can look today is on the internet. Doing just a brief search can land you thousands of results on home furnishing ideas. Look for pictures, articles, and helpful guides for tips on what to consider.

The internet is a great resource for finding furniture for specific areas of your home. For example, you may want to search for breakfast nook furniture to find the perfect breakfast nook set for your kitchen. Or you may want to do a search for living room couches, entertainment centers, coffee tables, and so on.

Once you have a general idea of what you want or what you want to look for, the next step is to go shopping. And this is the fun part that everyone looks forward to!

Since most furniture is not too cheap, it's best to be a savvy shopper and compare prices of furniture that you may be interested in. Be aware that most furniture comes in sets so that it will be much easier to match one with the other. You also want to focus the color and style of your furniture with the room you have in mind.

You can always search for the perfect furniture in your local area or travel to a bigger city to compare prices and options. And of course there is always the internet. Shopping on the internet for furniture is easy to do, but you will have to pay shipping and handling in many cases. But the price difference may be enough to make it worth your while so should definitely be considered.

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