Thursday, October 22, 2015

Size Matters: Choosing The Right Sofa

Whether you live in a small apartment alone, in shared accommodation with your friends or you live in a large family home with your children, naturally you will put great time and effort in ensuring that the home you create is perfect for you. From the colours of the walls to the gadgets in the kitchen right down to the taps on your sinks; everything you chose reflects your personal style and tastes.

From the glitzy and glamorous to the simple and classy, we each have our own personal choices that we inject into our homes in order to make it comfortable and suited to us as much as possible. In doing so, our homes become a reflection of our personalities. With that in mind it comes as no surprise that when choosing furniture we will generally take real time and care to ensure that we get the perfect piece.

Whether we like to lounge in style, snuggle in comfort or literally put our feet up; we take a lot of time to ensure that we purchase the perfect sofa. The living room of any home is generally the main communal room of the home, the place where we put up our feet, share our day and relax with some soaps!

As a result, for many of us the right sofa can make all the difference but how do you know that you are choosing the right one?

Whether you are looking to upgrade your current sofa or are just shopping around, keep the following points in mind...
  • Size- In the world of sofa's, size matters and it is crucial to ensure that chose a sofa that provides more than enough room for you and your family.

From small, two seater sofa's to large leather seats, single chairs and corner sofas; there are a range of options available but if you want everyone to feel comfortable and no one to be left sitting on the floor then keep the sizing in mind.
  • Fabric/ Colour It may seem like such a small point but considering the type of fabric your sofa will be made from is important. Will a leather sofa suit your living room decor and more importantly is leather something you and your family are used to and will find comfortable? Or is a traditional fabric sofa the best?

From the current theme you may have or want to the personal choices of family members; the colour and the detailing on your sofa are also important. Again this may seem like a small point but in order to ensure that your sofa looks the part, choosing the right colour is important.

Additional detailing including the sofa legs and even any studs or finishes can make all the difference to the overall theme in your room. The last thing you will want is to have your sofa look out of place so consider every last detail and how it will fit with everything else.
  • Family- can you picture the scene; your brand new sofa's have just been delivered and your 3 year old child has just thrown chocolate pudding everywhere... they didn't stay new for very long did they.

For those who might find themselves faced with a few spillages, leather sofas are generally considered the best as they are easier to clean. Try and consider your family and how they might react to the sofas and being practical (particularly if you have messy toddlers) is always important!

As much as you might want to walk into a store and pick the first sofa you like, there is a lot to consider in order to ensure that you get it perfect... have you covered everything?

Steven L Kelly is a long running team member at furniture specialists Lee Longlands
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